Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, I've been talking about starting a blog for some time now. I'm going to be honest, I don't know what I will write about and who will care, but it's done. Finally!

A couple of things about my blog. First of all, the URL. "Erasable History" is taken from a line of a song called "Day to Day" by Chris Bryan- he is an amazing musician who went to Hope College! It's from his first album, "Shades of Blue." The line states that "the future's just erasable history." And I like that. A lot of times I feel like I don't know what is going on and of course I don't know what will happen in the future. But sometimes I feel like there are aspects of my future that are going to happen because of the decisions I've made now. I like the reminder that no matter what is going on now or what has happened in the past, the future is still open.

Chris wrote in his bio on his website that with lines like that, he was trying to be witty. Well, yeah, it is, but I found something from it, so it's not all fluff!

My title, The Journey from Pessimist to Optimist is really where my life is right now. For some of you who know me, describing myself as a pessimist isn't too big of a shock for you. For others, you wouldn't describe me that way (and I love you for it! haha). But a huge part of my pessimism is in my internal dialogue. I *was* always so negative. Now I am working on being positive and happy and for a natural pessimist, that is A LOT harder than it sounds! So, it's a journey and if you are reading this blog, I hope you can encourage me to stay positive!

That's it for now. Like I said, I don't know where this is going or what kinds of things this blog will hold. And if I actually remember to update it regularly, I'm curious who will follow it. But, one thing you can count on (and if you know me at all, it will not be a surprise) my posts will probably be on the longer side. I'm not good at keeping things short. And it's my blog, so I don't have to! haha!

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