In discussing my new blog, I have mentioned a few other blogs I follow. I have had a couple of people ask me to send them the link, so I thought I would dedicate this post to just a few musicians/blogs that I follow.
Here are a couple of lesser known musicians that are AMAZING!
Vicky Beeching
Vicky Beeching is such a talented worship leader and songwriter. I had the privilege of hearing her perform live as she led worship at my church a couple of months ago! She has a 3 track EP available on iTunes and a new full length album coming out in April 2010!
Check out her website at
Also check her out on iTunes and facebook!
Aaron Niequist
Aaron Niequist used to be the worship leader at my church. Though I love our current leader, I miss him! Aaron is an incredible songwriter and performer. His latest album "With Broken Fists" is great.
Check out Aaron's website at and find him on iTunes!
Joshua Spier
Ok, so Josh is my cousin, but he is seriously Amazing! I have watched him compose a song in my car as we drove to a tiny recording studio in Caledonia, MI. His talent in singing, songwriting and performing is just... beyond words. I say that as a music lover, not as family. I highly encourage you to check out his music!
Visit Josh's website at do it! :)
Cake Wrecks
For anyone who loves cake, loves cake decorating or just loves when people mess up royally, this is a good website. The things people put on cakes... seriously? (G- PG)
Oh how people fail. It's incredibly funny and sad at the same time. There are no words for this site, but if you ever feel like you're having a bad day, go to this site and see what it's like to really fail. haha. (PG-13 for the most part)
Probably Bad News
It is amazing what gets published in our newspapers. Some publications are online and some are actually printed on paper, either way, it is funny! (PG- PG-13)
Work Fails & Job LOLs Monday thru Friday
We all have crazy jobs. This site posts some of the more amusing or... awkward moments at other peoples workplaces. (I just started following this yesterday) (PG-13 - R)
Oddly Specific
Some signs aren't playing around. They tell is exactly how it is. I wish more signs were this honest, it would be more amusing. (PG- PG-13)
(the customer is) Not Always Right

For anyone who has worked in customer service, you know that customers say the most ridiculous things and no, they are not always right! This site tells those stories. You think "no one could be this dumb" or "no one would really say that." Oh yes they do! (PG)
If you're not addicted enough to facebook, check out For me, my friends don't say enough ridiculous and embarrassing things on facebook, but other people certainly do! Yes, some may be intentional, but some times people just don't think about what they are publishing to the world on facebook and it can be quite hilarious! (PG-13 - R- probably more R)
*Like most blogs, some days are better than others. Some days are also more "appropriate" than others. I make no guarantees that the sites will be funny every day, but they are amusing for the most part. The ratings are estimated for the typical post.
Enjoy! :)
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